Systemic Family Constellations
Foundations, Principles & Applications
A 6-month online course from November 2024 to April 2025 with Petra Van Den Dragt
About the Course
Family Systemic Work also known as Family Constellation goes beyond the human realm and dives deeper into the energetic and spiritual realm where we can tune into the source of all possibility, to acknowledge what and how patterns have been established through generations and so allow healing and change.
This modality is not new but has seen an impressive resurgence in the past couple of years and is now taught widely. This course will give you the tools to practice this modality and include it in your work if you are already a therapist. It also helps find answer to your own questions related to your ancestry’s journey.
Petra van den Dragt
Master leadership and change management Trainer and
facilitator systemic work and constellations
Petra van den Dragt (1976) has worked in healthcare and related sectors for almost 30 years. Starting out as a critical care nurse, she has built her career further into the corporate world. Currently she is a member of the supervisory board in Dutch Healthcare and works as an international systemic trainer and coach.
She is connected to Weaving Wisdom Community Antwerp (BE) and African Constellations School Cape Town (SA).